Saturday, April 30, 2005

Position paper: First Committee Azeri

Committee: General Assembly First Committee
Topic: Nuclear Disarmament
Country: Azerbaijan
Delegate: Forest Hills High School

US President Dwight Eisenhower states, “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” Even through most of the countries understand nuclear weapons are immoral, the development of nuclear weapons are still continuing today. Despite the efforts that United Nations try to spread the idea of nuclear disarmament, such as the adoption of The Non-Proliferation Treaty, nuclear weapons still cannot wit out completely.

The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia began in 1988. It was caused by the expansionism and a policy of aggression aimed at expanding the territory of Armenia by force at the expense of the territory of Azerbaijan.
In December 1989 the Armenia government decided to annex Mountainous Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan, and started to establish unconstitutional government structures in the Mountainous Karabakh. Armenian sent a huge amount of weapons and ammunition to the territory of Azerbaijan. The ambition of aggression began to aim at Azerbaijan. The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict escalated between 1991 and 1992. An ethic massacre conducted by Armenian armed force on the Mountainous Karabakh and other regions of Azerbaijan. Hundred of peacefully residents were killed and lands were destroyed.

One of the consequences of the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict has been the creation of uncontrolled nuclear zones on the land occupied by Armenian military forces. Radiation and unclear waste in those areas has contaminated thousand hectares of forest, agricultural land, personal plots and two reservations. The increase of nuclear weapons and technologies causing serious danger for the Azerbaijanis and also represents a serious obstacle to the future world peace.

Azerbaijan is committed to the goals of the Treaty and stands for reduction of nuclear arsenals, nuclear technologies and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. In July 1992, Azerbaijan ratified the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), which establishes comprehensive limits on conventional military equipment and provides for the destruction of weaponry in excess of those limits. Azerbaijan became a current member for the Peace Framework Document in April 5, 1994 which promised to reinforce stability of world peace and reduce the risk of conflict In July 28, 1997, Azerbaijan signed Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which agreed to bans all nuclear explosions in all environments, for military or civilian purposes. Azerbaijan also has acceded to the nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty as a non-nuclear weapons state. For those actions that Azerbaijan had taken, it shows the goal that Azerbaijan have for achieveing world peace. The best way to achieve that is countries’ coorpations on nuclear disarmament.

In the future, Azerbaijan will continue pursue their nuclear non-proliferation policy. In terms of nuclear risks the South Caucasus, the President of Azerbaijan wants to establish a zone free of nuclear weapons in that area.
Azerbaijan demands other countries remove any uncontrolled and uncounted nuclear weapons located on the territory of Azerbaijan. Any presence of any foreign troops on the territory of Azerbaijan is considered inadmissible. And any foreign troops should remove from the Azerbaijan territories. Azerbaijan also hopes that the Russian authorities will undertake all measures to prevent illegal deliveries from happening in the future, to identify and punish officials involved in the illegal deliveries of the Russian weaponry to Armenia and do all the necessary to return those nuclear weapons to Russia.

Position paper: Second Committee Brunei, Ronit and Bony

Committee- Second General Assembly

Topic- Follow-up and Implementation of the International Conference on Financing for Development

Country- Brunei

Delegates-Ronit Banerjee, Bonye Lumbanraja

The International Conference on Financing for Development (ICFD) allowed countries to adopt the Monterrey Consensus. This document contains international goals for developing countries. These goals include finding ways to eradicate poverty and develop a global partnership for development. Brunei has played a large role in the implementation of this conference. Brunei is a monarchy with a national ideology based on Islam. It is the third largest oil producer in South East Asia, averaging about 180,000 barrels a day. However, vacillation in the price of oil has created uncertainty and instability in Brunei’s economy due to the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and 1998. Therefore, it is evident that the long-term economy of Brunei is unpredictable. Brunei is willing to accept aid and advice from other countries to ensure domestic tranquillity.

The political and foreign policy of Brunei plays a vital role in relation to the ICFD. Several councils and a cabinet of ministers advise sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the ruler. The media is extremely pro-government. However, the royal family is given the most importance in terms of symbolism. One of the goals addressed in the Monterrey Conference is reducing unemployment. Brunei is doing everything possible to combat this problem. The government of Brunei has drawn up plans to become an International Offshore Financial Center as well as a center for Islamic banking creating small and medium enterprises.

Brunei’s import and export rates have a positive impact on the economy and hopefully will stay that way. Their Exports partners include Japan 51%, United Kingdom 14%, United States 10%, Singapore 8%, Thailand 3%. There are certain resolutions and changes that Brunei supports which would definitely be beneficial. For example, further widening the economic base beyond oil and gas.

On februaury 22nd Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah said in his National Day speech "All citizens of the world covet prosperity, which we here are enjoying. All citizens of the world want to be free from suffering due to chaos or instability, a suffering from which we here are free." This proves that life in Brunei is very pleasant. This is why it is extremely important to preserve this lifestyle by finding numerous ways to stabilise the economy.

As far as the unemployment rate is concerned statistics show that in 1995, 4.9 percent of the entire working population were jobless. Though this may not seem overly disturbing, recent statistics show that the unemployment rate has increased a twofold to 10 percent. It is vital that this rate must decrease in order to preserve the domestic tranquillity that we as a nation are grateful for and proud of.

There are a few resolutions that we have come up with to eradicate this problem. Even though we are the third largest oil producer in Southeast Asia and the fourth largest producer of liquefied natural gas in the world, we will expand our economic base to include more emphasis on strengthening the tourist and banking sectors. Brunei is a beautiful country with a large ethnic background and interesting culture and history. With this new world becoming more and more modern as we speak, the interest to learn about ancient cultures increases in demand, thus opening the grand doors of Brunei to tourism.

Position paper: Second Committee Azeri, Irina and Chao

Committee: General Assembly Second Committee

Topic: Preservation of Macroeconomic Stability

Country: The Republic of Azerbaijan

Delegate: Irina Igel, Luo Shuchao, Forest Hills High School

In 1994, as a result of the National Oil Strategy, Azerbaijan Republic had successfully entered a new stage of its economic development in the world oil market. Foreign Direct Investments were attracted to the oil-related sectors allowing country to receive foreign currency from the export of oil and gas. However, keeping in mind a possibility of a complete exhaustion of deposits and the need for the maintenance of macroeconomic stability, Azerbaijan Government was constrained to pay more attention on a private sector of economy. The goal was to stimulate investing into development of the non-oil sector and improve living standards for the people.

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on Protection of Foreign Investments guarantees “complete and absolute legal protection” for investors and their money. In the mean time the experts of the World Bank has created laws concerning investment activity in the Azerbaijan that will reinforce safety of the investments and introduce reasonable solutions to the debates occurred during the process of money investment. Foreign companies can also participate in the process of privatization. During the U.S.-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce conference held on April 18th, 2005 minister of Economic Development of Azerbaijan, Farhad Aliyev said, “We are interested in attracting foreign investments, and in their transparent management. Law on investment activities, which will be adopted soon by the Parliament, will provide solid protection expected by investors.”

One of the most essential results in the development of non-oil sector will be reflected in the unemployment and poverty reduction on the social level and development of small private businesses on economic. State programs such as State Program for Development of Small and Middle Entrepreneurship and State Program for Reduction of the Poverty and Economic Development are the projects that will encourage implementation of state and United Nations Millenium Development goals.

Investing to the private sector will contribute money to a large -scale development of infrastructure and improvement of education system and health sanitation of society. One way to do so is to put money into building medical schools, hospitals, clinics and purchasing of equipment. The importance of this move will result in general improvement of public health and in the future will provide jobs to unemployed families. It’ll be bilaterally profitable to create sanatoriums and vacation spots as well.

Another way is to invest money into development of industry, construction, transport, agriculture and communication. This entrepreneurial insert of money guarantees to bring revenues to Azerbaijan in order to develop and to pay off the debt to investors. In 2004, about 68 % of over all GDP were gained from those spheres, pointing out its potential wealth.

In order for the Azerbaijan to maintain a strong and continually developing economy, it needs to focus its attention on developing of infrastructure and non-oil sectors of economy. Reformation of these spheres will improve standards of public living and cultural development. Republic looks forward and welcomes new investment in these fields as well as guarantees security and protection of investor’s rights.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Two Forums

In case if anybody knows russian. The person who gave this to me said they have english channel yet I didn't find it.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Daily News Apr.21

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


hi guys! how is everything going? well, there's not much to say except for: I'm sure we'll make a great team on the conference(!!!), no matter what.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Whom we've got

thank you Ken, Jess, Chao and Bony for your entries. We can definitely get this blog started! Please send in information whatever is useful to us. To the people who is going with Ms. Kaplan-Halper to the city tomorrow, go to room 166 to talk to her personally about the time we set off (it will probably be around 3:30 but I'm not sure). Keep up the good work people;)


1st Club meeting Posted by Hello

1st Club meeting Posted by Hello

Hows It going

Hey clubers hows it going.. this is Bony.. anything new?

Sunday, April 17, 2005

hey, it's late........... well not that late...10.52pm, feel sleepy....anyways. ehhhhhh........AP is coming, gotta hurry! ..... ok... night.


Hello People

Hello, Its me Jess coming to say hi to all!!!! reply everyone :)

To Ken:

First of all thank you for the comment, can you just write a new entry instead of writting a comment? so that everyone cann see it directly. ---Myf

Friday, April 01, 2005


Right on